I hope you push hard. I hope you're a crazy person with one speed; all out. After all, that's the only speed you can feel good about, am I right?Pushing at full speed all day every day isn't about running around like a confused squirrel, it's simply about giving each project your best, simply your best, nothing less for sure. It's not about accomplishing the impossible, doing things you have no clue about or working 20 hours a day. It's not even about heart rate. It's about giving it your very best, all week long, no exceptions.If that's you, and I hope it is, you need renewal. Occasional, planned or spontaneous, soul-refreshing renewal. Maybe it's a hobby, recreational activity or just time with family or friends, maybe even time alone.Here's how I was reminded of this recently.We just bought an 8 week old Great Dane puppy for our son to play with. Seemed like a nice thing to do for my boy, after all he's our only child and every kid's gotta have a sidekick!Well I haven't had a dog for well over 5 years. The evening we bought our little puppy I'm rolling around in the backyard with this little guy and my son and I'm realizing I'm experiencing some form of brief renewal. It's those moments when you feel like your somehow being rejuvenated with peacefulness.People keep their mind right by running, cycling, shooting, swimming, racing, golfing, camping, hiking, mountain biking, traveling, trading, playing cards, trail riding...the list could go on and on.So if you've been running hard, and you better be, make some time to refresh your self. If you can get away for a day you'll likely be inspired or energized enough to more than make up for any down time. Don't wait for it to come to you, some times you have to make it happen. But then again, you're used to that already.Question: What's your favorite form of renewal?