But I'm Educated!
I'm recently having a chat with some folks, one of which was a seemingly pleasant lady who I would guess was about 75% of the way through her working career. (No, I didn't say 'older' or 'middle aged'!)There was a fellow who had been part of the conversation earlier and had left. In regards to one of his viewpoints about business structure she stated the following: "I should let him know what I think about that, I'm probably 4 times more educated than he is!"You're gonna love this background! :)This fellow she was referring to is a friend, not close, but I've rubbed shoulders enough to know the following about him:He's an extremely driven and successful businessman & leader, seems to grow whatever happens by within his reach, thinks outside the box enough to capitalize on opportunity but stable and consistent enough stay the course. He's a very social visionary who has done very well for himself will have plenty to pass on to his family if he chooses to do so. Don't know his net worth so I won't guess but his annual income is in the top 1% or 2% of earners in America. And did I mention he's driven?I will be upfront and tell you I don't know the lady who made this comment very well except what she shared with us during the chat. She makes about $40k/year, lives in the country in a paid-for house and is in a 3-way partnership at work which isn't going too well. Seems they're have trouble with losing their clients to their fellow partners. Hhmm....Now I agree 110% that one's success does not depend on one's net worth. It doesn't even hinge on your level of income. I agree completely. Many a soul has been emptied as balance sheets have been filled.I also have no issue with a $40k/year income in America today. To have a steady job at all with any amount of income is something to be very thankful for.However to hear the thought verbalized that granted, I only make 10%-20% what he does and yes, my team consistents of 1 (myself) instead of 20, and no, my business has no resale value because anyone wanting to do what I'm doing will simply go get a degree and start themselves, I am still 4 times more educated and he really should come sit under my counsel to discuss business structure.Laughable.Since when does education gaurantee anything akin to success? Sure, the law of averages. You get a degree and statistically you're more likely to earn more and find employment easier over the course of your lifetime.But not everyone is average. Enter Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet and a couple Amish Millionaire's I can think of that got there on only an 8th grade education.To clarify.I have no problem with education. I'd love to give my kids a higher level of education than I was able to achieve. I also realize that depending on the vocation you would like to pursue you have no choice but to spend a number of years on a degree.However.My high school diploma seems to getting me along just fine, and I'm pretty sure I can round up a goodly number of go-getters out there that would agree with me.Hows that for educated?