Chatter Leads To Poverty
You've probably heard of the Bible, ever hear about a great book within the Bible called Proverbs?There's some really, really great stuff in there. Quick! Before you think I'm gonna get all church on you and tell you the answer for all of life's questions is simply to read the Bible all day long, every day, get a load of this.There's one part in there that states the following: "In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty". Now that is good! Read that again if you must, because that's worth remembering. Seriously, that little tidbit pertains more to 9-5 on weekdays than it does to 10-12 on Sundays.Idle chatter leads to poverty: Talking about things usually get's exactly nothing done. Now, to be fair, talking is a very important PART of getting things done. Talking is where you're devising a strategy, developing goals/aspirations and creating vision. But chatting about dreams and aspirations and thinking about what 'could be' all the time is gonna get you labelled as a dreamer. Now after you've been labelled as a dreamer by someone you have about 1, maybe 2, conversations left to redeem yourself with that person. If you gas off about 'could be' with that person during those next 1-2 conversations you've blown it. You're now an official 'dreamer'. Congrats! Now don't get me wrong, we'll still listen to you when you're speaking, we're not rude enough to walk out (most times), but your big ideas are going to enter our left auricle and head non-stop to our right auricle without dropping off much in between.Am I too harsh? I don't think I am, it says idle chatter leads to Poverty! Now check this, before you think I'm all materialistic and only care about getting physically wealthy (profit) hear this: the 'Poverty' it's talking about is NOT only talking about money, it applies just as much to your physical fitness, mental stability, spiritual depth and just about any other area of life you can think of. Follow me? There's been times I've said stuff that sounded great in church then didn't care enough to actually implement it in the day to day and guess what, I had spiritual poverty. I've talked great leadership ideas with folks then went to work and forgot to install all the great ideas I'd uploaded the day before and guess what: leadership poverty! Shocking!Helpless situation? Never talk goals, ideas, possibilities with others? NO!The difference is simple: 'In all labor there is profit!'This is where things get done. This is where the rubber hits the road and actually leaves a mark. This is where people notice, listen up, and possibly even take notes.Labor. Not a popular word today. Which can work to you're advantage, if you actually follow through, consistently apply excellent effort and Labor, think about how that's going to set you apart! It will be noticed, appreciated and...thanked, maybe even monetarily! (Think 'Profit')!What do YOU think? Drop us a comment below, can you think of an example where Labor turned into Profit? (In any area of your life!)