Occupy (Wall Street?)
The recent Occupy Wall Street movement can teach us some great lessons. Guess mostly it would be on what not to do, but still.Seriously, are these people aware they're simply on a street, that's all Wall Street is after all, a street! So when 'Wall Street' needs to fix wealth disparity you are, in essence, asking Apple to fix wealth disparity...not sure it's really Apple's job when it comes down to it.And there's so many 'One Demands' they're making it's tough to remember them all.One of their 'One Demands' is to ban Hydro-fracking, a process to remove natural gas from deep, deep within the earth. Just so happens that Hydro-fracking has made, and will make, many many poor people filthy rich. And they're all jacked up about wealth disparity...amusing. Seriously, I'd have money problems too if I'd be camping out on Wall Street for weeks on end.So it's a big waste of time where nothing can be learned?Not necessarily, heres a couple points worth taking home:Go To The Source. Pretty sure Washington would be better suited than Lowes to handle most of their 'One Demands'. So when you have great ideas, solutions, or even problems and you pile that on someone who can't do much about it anyhow what good does it do? You may deserve a raise in a bad way but your coworker is the wrong guy to help you with that, go to your leader!Image is Key. This applies to life in general. Are all OWS'ers hippies who never shower, sitting around all day complaining about their lack of hand outs and how the rich are evil and have been given everything they have? Probably not, however, it's the image I have of this movement, and therefore to me that's reality. So if people are getting the wrong image about you or your company it's time to step in and change that, you're the only one that can.Don't Blame the Horse for the Turds. I've personally never seen a horse that didn't drop turds. So when you run around whining that your horse is making a mess it solves nothing. How about accepting the fact that if you want a beautiful horse in your barn it's gonna require a plan to remove the waste. Seriously, I don't like taxes either but we choose to live here, work on a plan to ensure you're not over-paying. You might like vacations but when your income dries up don't come complaining to me...see the trend here?Glass half what?. Is the glass half full or half empty? There's way too much injustice, unfairness and messiness in life to get all twisted every time the red carpet's not laid down when you thought it should have been. Walk on the stinkin tarmac, the rest of us do. So when all you can think and talk about are negative scenarios and everything is a conspiracy you're not fun to be around. There's plenty of positive, upbeat and exciting things going on out there, focus on those!And we could go on, there's a lot more great lessons to learn here.What else comes to your mind?