Rock & Roll Baby!
How's the Rock & Roll factor in your organization?Whether you run a business, non-profit, church or charity your organization has got to have the Rock & Roll factor or you're missing out on some very important synergy. No I'm not talking about playing 'Guns & Roses' as loud as possible from your ipod in the corner office. Unfortunately a Rock & Roll atmosphere is a whole lot harder to come by!Ever been around a person or group who's energy & vibrancy just seems to rub off on you just from mingling for 10 minutes? That's Rock & Roll baby! What's really cool is an organization that gives you that experience, that energy, just from rubbing shoulders with them. This is even harder to come by in a company because you've got to have this positive, upbeat & cheerful attitude in every member on the team or the aura is gonna fall flat.The Rock & Roll factor is only apparent if it shows up in all areas of your business. It's got to be grafted into your website, blog, brochures, email campaigns, showroom, (Every itty bitty little piece of your marketing), sales office, salespeople and customer service. It's got to be such a way of life in your company that it can't help but spill over onto your customers, clients & vendors. Even you're mailman will notice.Designing a print ad for your local newspaper? Make it creative! Make me actually want to read that thing!Decorating the interior of your office? Think who your customers are and play to that. Obviously if you're an Attorney you're going after a different look altogether than a Chuck E Cheese. Sell the experience! Think details, details matter! Walt Disney was a fanatic about details, little things anyone else might have passed up on or not thought of he capitalized on.In short, take advantage of every exposure you're rewarded. The problem with non-Rock & Roll people and companies is they forget it's an honor. It's a privilege to help someone, not an obligation! It's an honor to have work to do, do it with excellence!So how bout, let's get out there and crank it up!