Foot Rubs & Teamwork

My mother in law is visiting right now with several of my wife's sisters. They all brought their children so the house is full and the house is rockin! Just like my son likes it.Here's the thing though, my mother in law gives the best foot rub you'll ever experience, hands down. No question. Stretch, find a comfy seat, sit back, prop your feet up, and let 'em enter absolute Feet Bliss.For the next 15 minutes (20 if your lucky), you're feet will experience a wondrous mixture of probing, prodding, massaging, rubbing, kneading, and soothing like you've never seen before. This is one of those times when you will feel like you're looking down on the proceedings from above, all else will be turned down just a notch and fade just a bit.Can you tell I love a good foot rub??Check this out. Teamwork rocks even more.I'm talking about that feeling you get when you've worked your rear off for a very long time assembling just the right people in just the positions. It's hard, you make mistakes, you change it up, you worry, you fret, you try and lead through it all but it feels more like your leading a moonlit walk without the moon.Then one day you see it click. One of your teamsters goes over to another and you see them work through a situation superbly. (This has probably been happening for a while now but you've just been too busy crunching numbers at your desk to notice).It's that moment that rewards everything you've worked for so far. It's that Teamwork, that Commoradorie you see that suddenly gives you that satisfaction that makes all the work it took to get here well worth the while.Just like you wouldn't really enjoy a good foot rub if all you did was sit on the couch all day, you won't enjoy any more of these moments unless you get back out there and lead.Get off your seat. Grab some passion and get back in the battle. You've assembled you're team now charge the mound!I'll bet you they'll step up and cover a lot better than you might think. However, without giving them the opportunity, you'll never know.


Rock & Roll Baby!