He was being described as someone who didn’t have a problem looking out for himself, ambitious to a fault, would do almost anything to get what he wanted, had a reputation for being stingy, and was largely set in his ways. And then my friend said, candidly, “I guess he would make a great businessman.”
Seriously, if you didn’t have your eye on the future would you really be working as hard as you are now? Unless you’re doing what you do because otherwise you would just be bored, you’re probably working harder today so tomorrow you don’t have to.
In an early podcast, we interviewed Judson Schrock. He taught Kent all about establishing good behaviors and habits. He knows a thing or two about breaking bad habits and instilling good behaviors.
Think about what you could do if you were simply yourself. Think about the pressure that may be lifted if you didn’t have to be two people, or three people, or more, depending who you’re around.
There is precious little standing between life and death at all times. If death can be that sudden, and we all know how certain it is, it does us well to prepare.