Leaving a Legacy
We now have to face our tech future without Steve Jobs. I'm sure we'll be fine but I look at my iPhone, which I rely on almost as much as food itself, and feel a little sadness knowing the quarterback behind this great invention has passed on.And as if the iPhone weren't enough we know have iPads, iPods, iMacs and so many other excellent gadgets and tools that we can enjoy and depend on partly (or largely, depending who you ask) because of Steve Job's passion and pursuit of excellence.So do we all have to leave behind a great invention, process or idea to leave a legacy?No.Here's a couple things we'll have to do though:Show Up. I'm not talking about simply punching in here but actually showing up. Bring your mind, bring yourself. Relate, engage, involve. At work, with your family, your friends, at church. Some of those are easier than others, but we're gonna have to get in there and apply if we expect to make a difference.Be Yourself. If I simply wanted to have a task performed I could have outsourced it or created a robot instead of making a hire. By hiring I'm asking for you, our team needs you. You're unique, different, have strengths that we need, weaknesses we can help with, a personality that adds spice to life and hopefully your bringing value to the table that in time we 'couldn't do without'. You'll be remembered most fondly if you're living out you, not someone you wish you were.Offer. Ever feel like your talent is being wasted? Maybe those around you don't know you have that talent. Offer it, market it. Help others. That's a big reason we're all here to begin with, there's a reason you feel super fulfilled right after you help someone with a project, assignment or an area in life they were struggling with.Be Aware. There's hurting people within your reach, I guarantee it. There are needs around us but if we're not aware we will not help. So live your life, chase your dreams but be aware of those you can help as you go.Be Thankful. No that wasn't a typo. Seriously, we all have so so much to be thankful for, successes we could not have realized without the help of many. When we forget this and are not thankful I believe it can lead to discontentment, unhappiness and just general nastiness.Have a Mission. Living from day to day with no mission or purpose will take you to about 20 years of age before you realize it's all a complete waste if there's nothing more to it. So get a goal, have a mission, work towards something! How will you know how to measure success if you're not sure what 'success' is for you?Share. If you show up, are yourself, and have a mission in life you will acquire wisdom and knowledge over time that other's will find very helpful in their lives. So share that. Maybe it's as deliberate as mentoring or as casual as advice but us young folk love to learn from those with way more life experience and wisdom, and truth be told, we need it.So if this is you but you've yet to invent a culture-altering product have no fear, you will leave a legacy of your own.Question: Have you done something recently that you hoped will last long after your gone?